Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas Of A Teacher, A Professional Member Of Staff

As a teacher, a professional member of staff, addressing ethical dilemmas holds a greater responsibility for us, over the common person within any given situation. Understanding that morally and ethically, we are all responsible for promoting fair and just treatment no matter the individuals’ intelligence, beliefs, cultural background, living condition, or views on life in general, and as a teacher, we are held to a higher standard than the common person. Grasping the concepts, physiological aspects, moral development, judgment, values, and sociological characteristic of any given issue is critical to the overall ethical development of others ( In the classroom when an ethical issue rises you have seconds to†¦show more content†¦Inquire about the situation that took place in a friendly and positive manner, do not lecture, or preach, yet know the facts, and seek the reason behind the given situation by identifying the reasons behind the issue through analyzing the dilemma and why it does not comply with proper ethical standards. Learn, know about the people involved, and discuss what took place, openly on the dilemma. If you have the authority to address the ethical dilemma before you, explain why it is not acceptable behavior, suggest and inquire about what could have been a better way of addressing the situation, and how to present yourself in the future on the subject, but resolve the case at hand with displaying intelligence, integrity, building collaboration, while you reduce stress, anger, and animosity at the same time, before closing the conversation. If it becomes negative or confrontation, don’t create greater stress, anger or animosity, but seek guidance and possible group discussion on the given situation at a later time, but in the very near future while the situation is fresh in everyone’s mind. With those new thoughts, and ideas given, and in mind attempt to readdress the ethical situation for clos ure. If a given situation continues to repeat itself with a specific person or just in general within the environment

Friday, December 20, 2019

Descriptive Essay Valuing Identity - 3121 Words

Bestolarides 1 Paul Bestolarides Professor Stark HRS 296: Global Histories 27 February 2015 Valuing Identity I could recollect a nostalgic instance in life about a traveling experience, but upon arriving to the city of Amman in the Middle- East, no experience was evermore instilled into the intellect of my ignorant eighteen- year- old, self. Immediately, I could recognize the solemnity of organization; the formal wear between people, the newly creative technology for consumer purposes and the religious reminders echoing through the highest towers of the Mosques. The experience was unlike any from the United States. These perceptions informed me that I was living in some kind of utopian society.†¦show more content†¦Appiah, Huntington and Fukuyama’s text surround the history and reality of some the major concerns, about the fall of ideologies, resulting in a Western liberalism. But not only do these texts inform us about, i.e., how to live, what will happen, but how we can improve our lives, to compliment another’s, who are not from our specific locale. Bestolarides 2 Each of us belongs to different cultures, yet we hold some of the same universal values. It is essential to examine each author’s noted significance. In Appiah’s ‘Cosmopolitinism,’ he implies that some of the innate universal values that each individual hold, can be expressed through art, mathematics and moral values. These values manifest into a universal identity according to Appiah, [pg. 94]. â€Å"They are present in every large enough group of our species; in particular, they are the statistical norm in every society,† [pg. 95, paragraph 1]. But, to Appiah, humanity is not an identity at all. Instead, it is a collection of shared interests. Appiah concludes Chapter 6 with this particular philosophy: You can make a stranger into a common human if you discover each other’s shared interests. And in keeping this shared interest, it is beneficial in sustaining a culture. By examining a culture of any kind, a connection can be made, concerning how cultures can make up an identity. His seminal book Cosmopolitanism, is a moral manifesto, for a world where identity has become a weapon and where

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Infections are caused by, bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites free essay sample

Infection is the process where germs enter a susceptible area in the body, where they multiply, resulting in disease. Colonisation is where microbes are present on or in the body, where they grow and multiply without invading the surrounding tissues. An example of this is the bacteria that cause MRSA will often live harmlessly on the skin and in the nose of people without causing any harm at all to that individual. Localised infection is only confined to one certain part of the body and will only affect that specific area. If they are internal they can be very serious, such as appendicitis or endocarditis. An infected cut may also be another example of this; symptoms may include hot skin, pain, redness, swelling and a pussy discharge. These localised infections do not usually make you ill, but without the proper care they could cause a systemic infection. Systemic infections will affect the whole of the body by spreading through the bloodstream. Examples of this include tonsillitis, influenza, malaria and chicken pox. Symptoms of systemic infections include; fever, chills, weakness and aching joints. The chain of infection begins with a pathogen. The pathogen needs the right environment to enable them to grow. They need a route of transmission and a portal of entry. They then begin to multiply and make the host feel ill, then some of the pathogens will now exit the body and the chain begins again. Infections are caused by microbes which are found everywhere such as dust, homes, animals and humans. Some microbes are helpful to us and are called normal flora, others can be harmful and cause infections, and these are called pathogens. Normal flora being present is very important in preventing pathogens from colonising the body, because pathogens would rather grow where there are no other pathogens to compete with. Large numbers of flora discourage pathogens from multiplying, which helps us to stay healthy and be able to fight of any infection we are introduced to. Normal flora which lives in our intestines help for us to digest food and also protect our intestines from pathogens which are trying to invade. Normal flora found within the body and on the skin, will eat dead cells and pathogens. Lactobacillus acidophilus is the main friendly bacteria in the upper intestinal tract. It is important for the body as it helps to reduce the levels of harmful bacteria and yeast in the small intestine. It does this by crowding out any harmful microbes so they cannot grow. Lactobacillus acidophilus also produces lactose which is an enzyme that is important in the digestion of milk. Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium longum are the main friendly bacteria found in the large intestine. Bifidobacterium are important to protect the large intestine from invading bacteria and yeasts. They also manufacture B vitamins such as niacin, folic acid and pyridoxine and help the body to detoxify bile. Problems may arise when normal flora get into parts of the body where they will normally not be found. Such as if flora from the gut got into the vagina it could cause irritation and infection. Pathogenic microorganisms are described as transient; this is because they can be transferred from one person to another. All these organisms need are conditions which are suitable for growth and reproduction. Most pathogens that are associated with humans will grow rapidly at around body temperature whereas some pathogens such as listeria can multiply at lower temperatures meaning they can spoil food. Most pathogens use respiration for the production of energy, meaning they grow successfully in oxygen. Anaerobic pathogens are able to survive without any oxygen. An essential requirement for the growth of bacteria is moisture; most will die very quickly without it. This provides us with a useful infection control measure; we can stop pathogens from multiplying by keeping surfaces clean and dry. Some yeast, moulds and fungi can grow in dry conditions. Protein and carbohydrate are needed by most bacteria in order to grow. Bacteria can obtain their essential nutrients from foods such as meat, eggs, fish, cheese, milk and cooked rice. Many places within the human body have an abundance of suitable food such as the mouth. Most pathogens prefer to grow in pH neutral conditions; many of the cavities in the body are protected from an invasion by a high pH. An example of this is the stomach, which is very acidic and kills ingested pathogens. All bacteria need time to be able to multiply and it has been observed that generally bacteria divide into two every twenty minutes. Infections can be spread through many things, these include; food borne infection, person to person, water borne infection, airborne infection, insect borne infection and fomites. Contamination may happen at any stage of food production, from seed and soil to packaging and cooking. Meat may be contaminated by inadequate storage or poor hygiene. Cross contamination can happen through raw meat. Pathogens can still be present in food due to food that is insufficiently warm. Food should only be reheated once, and drinking water could also be contaminated, although there are hygiene controls to prevent this in the UK. Infections which are spread person-to-person may be airborne, through inhalation of infectious droplets. A lot of virus infections are obtained through inhalation of infectious droplets, the common cold virus is an example of this. A common way of spreading gastrointestinal infections is through the faecal-oral route, examples of this include typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and poliomyelitis which are all obtained through drinking water contaminated with for example human faeces. The pathogens which cause venereal diseases are vulnerable. They die rapidly when exposed to conditions outside of the body. For them to be able to spread, these pathogens need the most intimate of human contact. Infections can be passed on through direct inoculation. Intravenous drug users who share dirty needles with others risk getting hepatitis and HIV infection because of the direct inoculation of blood from someone who is infected. Airborne infections are one that is contracted due to the inhalation of microorganisms or spores suspended in the air on water droplets or dust particles. Airborne infection: Legionella Pneumophila causes Legionnaire’s disease which is found in many natural water sources but is commonly associated with poorly maintained air conditioning systems or rarely cleaned shower heads. Airborne droplets from these sources are the cause for Legionnaire’s disease. Pathogenic microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated drinking water is consumed are waterborne diseases. Contaminated water can be the cause of diseases such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis A and poliomyelitis. Insets feed of animals that are infected and then transmit the infection to humans such as mosquitos. Many diseases are insect borne. The most important historically, is the plaque which was caused by Yersinia pestis and transmitted by rat fleas. Fomites are any inanimate object or substance which is capable of carry pathogens, such as door handles, mops, cloths and bedding. This is of particular importance for hospital hygiene. Microorganisms are classified into categories these are bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Bacteria absorb nutrients through the cell walls and waste products are excreted in the same way. They have no nucleus or mitochondria. In many bacteria the cell wall is slimy to enable the cell to attach to surfaces. The flagellum helps with motility of each cell through the water and body tissues. The process called binary fission is where bacteria reproduce. Each bacterium splits into two to make two clone daughters, this process can occur around every ten minutes. Different types of bacteria include; bacilli (rod shaped), cocci (spherical), spirochetes (spiral shaped) and vibrios (curved). Bacteria are spread in different ways. These include; airborne by droplet infection through coughing or sneezing, direct contact by touching an infected person, indirect contact by toughing an object an infected individual has touched, touching foods with dirty hands and bodily fluids like saliva, blood and semen. Types of bacterial infection include; tuberculosis, salmonella, syphilis, legionnaire’s disease, clostridium difficile, methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), campylobacter and tetanus. Each virus has genetic material inside a protein coat which is called the capsid, which is responsible for protecting the cell, attaching the virus to a cell and infecting the cell. After it is attached the virus will inject DNA/RNA into the cell, which replicates the virus and erupts from the cell into many viruses ready to invade new cells. In order for a virus to live and make more viruses they must have a host cell. Some viruses can live for many years inside their host cells without causing any harm. An example of this is a person infected with HIV can live without showing symptoms of AIDS for years, but they virus will still be able to spread to others. Viruses are spread by different things, these include carrier organisms such as mosquitoes and fleas, airborne infections such as coughs and sneezing, direct transfer of body fluids from one person to another such as saliva, sweat, nasal mucus, blood, semen and vaginal secretions, and surfaces on which body fluids have dried. Types of viral infections include; HIV/AIDS, colds/influenza, herpes, chicken pox, measles, Ebola and glandular fever. An example of how influenza may be spread is If an infected individual sneezes near you, you inhale the virus particle, and it attaches to the cells lining the sinuses in your nose. The virus then attacks the cells lining the sinuses and rapidly reproduces new viruses. The host’s cells will break and new viruses spread into your bloodstream and also into your lungs. Because the cells lining your sinuses are lost, fluid can flow into your nasal passages and give you a runny nose. The viruses in the fluid that drips down your throat attacks the cells lining your throat and give you a sore throat. Viruses in your bloodstream can attack the muscle cells and cause you to have muscle aches. Fungi are multi celled organisms that include yeast, mildew, moulds and mushrooms, which reproduce by budding. Budding is a process where a protrusion from a cell becomes free. They make spores that grow into fungi when conditions become favourable. Fungal infections like warm and moist conditions such as the mouth, armpits, vagina and other skin folds. Fungal infections can be spread by domestic animals such as dogs and cats and can also be spread by direct or indirect contact such as touching an infected person or from swimming baths and using contaminated towels. Types of fungal infections include thrush, athlete’s foot, ringworm, fungal nails and pityriasis versicolor. Individuals are at risk of fungal infections when they have recently taken a course of antibiotics, been taking oral steroids, have diabetes, obese, African-Caribbean and have a risk of fungal infections have a weakened immune system caused such as by cancer or AIDS. A parasite is a plant or animal which lives on or in another organism to enable them to gain its nourishment and continued survival. They survive by attaching themselves in various different ways to the body and will often lay eggs on the skin, hair or intestines. Types of parasite infections include fleas/lice, threadworms, scabies, tapeworm, giardia and malaria. Parasites can spread in different ways these include some like malaria are spread by insects, some such as giardia are drunk drinking water, some such as live and scabies are caught from direct contact and some are ingested in food such as threadworm and tapeworm. In this assignment I have explained how infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. I have also explained how pathogenic microorganisms grow and spread.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Innovation Sustainable Business Development-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Innovation Sustainable Business Development? Answer: Introduction Business model can be defined as the blueprint for business operation, which incorporates set of interrelated activities for gaining competitive advantage in the market (Bohnsack et al., 2014). The study will explain the business model as per the book The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research written byZott, Amit and Massa. Moreover, the study will describe three business notions in this book like e-business archetype, business model as activity system and cost/revenue architecture. The study will also discuss the inevitability of change in business with an example of Coca Cola Amatil. Discussion Business model is the combination of structure, content and governance of transaction, which are designed for creating organizational value through effective exploitation of business opportunities. According to Zott and Amit, (2013), business model is actually the system of interdependent activities, which transcend an organization and its boundaries. It is the way through which an organization can generate revenue and make profit through effective business operation. On the other hand, DaSilva and Trkman, (2014) opined that business model is the heuristic logic, which connects the technical potential of a firm with its economic value. Business model also defines the plan for a success business, which identifies the sources of business revenue, products and services, intended customers and detailed financial requirements. Furthermore, Markides, (2013) opined that business model is the concise representation of interrelated set of business decision variables in the areas of business strategies, architecture and economies for gaining competitive advantage in the market. The model is consisted of four interlocking elements like customer value proposition, key resources, key processes and profit formula.Furthermore, business model is intended to capture and create value through utilization of value oriented activities, advanced technology and cost and revenue structure. While considering the book The Business Model: Recent Developments and Future Research written byZott, Amit and Massa, it has been seen that there are three types of business notions, which are extremely important for enhancing business value. The three distinct business notions are e-business model archetypes, business model as activity system and business model as cost/revenue structure. Recent development in communication and information technology has increased the business value in the market. Schneider and Spieth, (2013) pointed out that swift expansion and emergence of technology has rapidly declined the computational and communication cost of the businesses. The creation of transactional architecture and unconventional exchange of mechanism has developed new ways of delivering high business value to the customers. According to Zott et al., (2011)e-business model archetype ensures profitable businesses for the organizations through dealing with the business partners and the customers over the internet. The blessings of e-business model architecture have enhanced the advertisement effectiveness and product delivery system. Furthermore, Amit and Zott, (2015) opined that e-shop, e-communication and e-commerce has allowed the business organizations in direct interaction with the customers. Moreover, such electronic mediums facilitates in direct product delivery to t he customers and receiving direct feedback from the customers. In this way, it has ultimately enhanced the values of the business through direct interaction with business customers. Moreover, such digital contents have also enhanced the business potentiality towards reaching wide customer groups through proper strategic marketing. Business model as activity systemdenotes creation and capture of business values through business activities. As per Zott et al., (2011), the activity based business model denotes the set of capabilities, which is configured for enabling organizational value creation consistent with social or economic strategic objectives. On the other hand, Carayannis et al., (2015) stated that activity business model generates value creation mechanism, which can go beyond value creation. Organizational value is created through innovation, development of strategic networks among the organizations, discovery of competencies and arrangement of value chain. Furthermore, DaSilva and Trkman, (2014) opined that activity based business model is highly associated with creation of unique value to the customers for gaining competitive edge over the rivals. Moreover, the unique value and offerings provided by an organization distinguish it from their rivals in the market. Business model as cost/revenue architectureaddress the spheres ofinnovation and technology in business. According to Zott et al., (2011), technology and innovation dimensions have the capability to automate the business processes and products towards fostering modernization in an organization. A significant part of this business model is to gain business value from exposing the potential value embedded in the technology with the initial technological stage and converting them into market outcome. On the other hand, Casadesus?Masanell and Zhu, (2013) opined that organizations can also foster innovative ideas through the utilization of external sources of ideas. In order to compete with competitive business environment, organizations need to upgrade and conceptualize their business model for modifying and aligning their business flow with changing market condition. In such high competitive business environment, organizations are more likely to face both static and dynamic business problems.Static problems always likely to arise in the business areas like cost structure, organizational structure and organizational resources. However, such business problems can effectively be managed through the application of various business notions. Business model based on cost/revenue structurefacilitates in quantifying the revenue sources of the organization (Bohnsack et al., 2014). Therefore, this model helps in making proper decisions regarding make and buy choice for organizational resources. On the other hand, e-Business model helps in creating innovative business process through advanced technology. Figure 1: Business Model Framework (Source: Markides, 2013) While considering the example of Dynamic business problems, these are always associated with the problems of changing customer needs, government regulations, demand and supply of products and others. However, such business problems can be properly mitigated through valued based business model and e-Business model. Such business model allows the organizations in direct interaction with the customers for understanding changing customer needs(Markides, 2013). Business Context assesses the surrounding and associated environment of an organization. It actually explores the opportunities and threats associated with an organization in its surrounding environment. Moreover, business context can incorporate the organization itself, its process, its stakeholders and others. However, in contemporary business environment, organizations are more likely to face frequent changes in its surrounding environment. Therefore, organization must need to keep pace with the frequent business context towards beating the market competition through creating competitive edge. As per Zott and Amit, (2013), in contemporary business environment, technology is rapidly changing. In such technologically changing environment, usage of backdated technology can prevent the competitive edge of an organization. Therefore, adoption of advanced technology in the business model is high necessary for gaining competitive advantage. On the other hand, Amit and Zott, (2015) opined that organizations must also change their business model with the changing needs of the customers for gaining competitive advantage. Moreover, change is inevitable for the success of the businesses. While considering the example of Coca Cola Amatil, it has been found that the organization has successfully reconfigured its business model for gaining high level of business value. The traditional and backdated technology of the organization was creating huge problems in dealing with international business operations. The organization was facing huge problems in maintaining large data of their international business operations. Therefore, the organization has recently incorporated cloud computing system in their business model. Such business model has improved the business process of the organization through technological advancement. Figure 2: Hybrid Model of CCA (Source: Carayannis et al., 2015) The organization has now become able to store huge information regarding its international business operation. Furthermore, they are now capable of quickly accessing the business information for operational efficiency and better customer experience(LeMay, 2014). Such system is also highly cost efficient and can back up and recover important business information. Moreover, the organization has used e-business model archetype and value based activity system for enhancing business value. The managers of the organization had to assess and quantify the importance of various stakeholders and need for talent for proper implementation of the system. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be said that business model is the set of interrelated and interdependent activities, which can explore different business opportunities. As per the book of Zott, Amit and Massa, there are mainly three types of business models namely e-Business archetype, business model as activity system and business model as cost revenue structure. Such business models are extremely important for solving the static and dynamic business problems and gaining competitive advantage. For instance, Coca Cola Amatil has used both e-Business model archetype and business model as activity system for gaining competitive advantage. Reference Amit, R., Zott, C. (2015). Crafting business architecture: The antecedents of business model design.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,9(4), 331-350. Bohnsack, R., Pinkse, J., Kolk, A. (2014). Business models for sustainable technologies: Exploring business model evolution in the case of electric vehicles.Research Policy,43(2), 284-300. Carayannis, E. G., Sindakis, S., Walter, C. (2015). Business model innovation as lever of organizational sustainability.The Journal of Technology Transfer,40(1), 85-104. Casadesus?Masanell, R., Zhu, F. (2013). Business model innovation and competitive imitation: The case of sponsor?based business models.Strategic management journal,34(4), 464-482. DaSilva, C. M., Trkman, P. (2014). Business model: what it is and what it is not.Long range planning,47(6), 379-389. LeMay, R. (2014).IBM inks cloud ERP deal with Coca-Cola Amatil | Delimiter.Delimiter. Retrieved 27 August 2017, from Markides, C. C. (2013). Business model innovation: What can the ambidexterity literature teach us?.The Academy of Management Perspectives,27(4), 313-323. Schneider, S., Spieth, P. (2013). Business model innovation: Towards an integrated future research agenda.International Journal of Innovation Management,17(01), 1340001. Zott, C., Amit, R. (2013). The business model: A theoretically anchored robust construct for strategic analysis.Strategic Organization,11(4), 403-411. Zott, C., Amit, R., Massa, L. (2011). The business model: recent developments and future research.Journal of management,37(4), 1019-1042.